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Jon Leuer anuncia su retirada de las canchas a los 31 años  | 25.05.2020 - 18:42h.
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El jugador ha promediado en su carrera 6.4 puntos y 3.8 rebotes.

Jon Leuer ha puesto punto y final a su carrera como jugador de baloncesto a los 31 años.

"Los últimos 3 años he tenido que lidiar con varias lesiones, incluso dos me han apartado de las canchas toda esta última temporada. Me ha tomado un tiempo llegar a esta decisión, pero finalmente creo que lo mejor es anunciar mi retirada", escribió el jugador en Instagram.

Leuer, elegido en segunda ronda del Draft 2011, ha disputado un total de 377 partidos en la NBA con Milwaukee, Cleveland, Memphis, Phoenix y Detroit.





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I love the game of basketball. I still want to play, but I know deep down it’s not the right decision for my health anymore. The past 3 years I’ve dealt with a number of injuries, including 2 that kept me out this whole season. It’s taken me a while to come to grips with this, but I’m truly at peace with my decision to officially retire. As disappointing as these injuries have been, I’m still thankful for every moment I spent playing the game. Basketball has been the most amazing journey of my life. It’s taken me places I only could’ve dreamed about as a kid. The relationships it brought me mean more than anything. I’ve been able to connect with people from all walks of life and forged lifelong bonds with many of them. What this game has brought me stretches way beyond basketball. I’m grateful for this incredible ride and everyone who helped me along the way. 🙏🏼🙌🏼✌🏼

Una publicación compartida de Jon Leuer (@jonleuer30) el

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